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Developer:China Resources Land
Project location:Minhang District-Qibao Ecological Business District
Project size:About 140,000㎡
Product form:Office building
Transmit service content:租赁+销售代理
Transmit service time:2020年起

Project overview

MIX C PARK is located in Qibao Ecological Business District, which is developed under the leadership of Minhang District Government. With a total construction area of 140,000 square meters, it has 5 ecological office clusters, of which 3 are detached headquarters buildings for sale. The project has its own commercial supporting facilities, which are directly connected with the central garden level of the "core hub".

Project features

The project is about 4.4 km away from Hongqiao Comprehensive Transportation Hub. The commercial district within 1.5 km around the project includes Qibao Baolong City, Qibao Vanke Square and MIXC, covering an area of about 600,000 square meters.